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Luxury Innovation Summit Geneva, the event. Introduction of Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss as the world first lingerie for hygiene with a natural patent pending invisible absorbing inlay - period, menstruation, incontinence, daily discharge, feel free, safe and beautiful every day.


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Vergangene Events

    Großartiges Launch Event

    Genf, 13. Juni 2024: Wir haben Câlin Doré im Herzen der Altstadt offiziell vorgestellt. Eine prächtige Feier mit mehr als 100 Gästen, Modenschau, klassischem Konzert und Privatverkauf in einem einzigartigen Luxusrahmen. Willkommen in der Welt der Lingerie: Câlin Doré.

    Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss - the luxury launch event in Geneva in June 2024. The world first luxury Hygiene Lingerie with natural and invisible protection for all women and every day. Plastic free, healthy and safe. The fashion brand launched with a stunning event in a prestigious setting in old town Geneva.
    Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss - the luxury launch event in Geneva in June 2024. The world first luxury Hygiene Lingerie with natural and invisible protection for all women and every day. Plastic free, healthy and safe. The fashion brand launched with a stunning event in a prestigious setting in old town Geneva. The event was presented by two world class musicians: Enrique Castillo Ereipa and Byeol Choi.
    Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss - the luxury launch event in Geneva in June 2024. The world first luxury Hygiene Lingerie with natural and invisible protection for all women and every day. Plastic free, healthy and safe. The fashion brand launched with a stunning event in a prestigious setting in old town Geneva. Here showing the model TAI Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss.
    Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss - the luxury launch event in Geneva in June 2024. The world first luxury Hygiene Lingerie with natural and invisible protection for all women and every day. Plastic free, healthy and safe. The fashion brand launched with a stunning event in a prestigious setting in old town Geneva. Here showing the model HIGH TAI from Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss. Menstruation, incontinence, period, daily discharge, natural protection, invisible inlay.

    Luxury Innovation Summit

    GENF 2023

    Câlin Doré ist stolz darauf, im Jahr 2023 am Luxury Innovation Summit in Genf teilgenommen zu haben, der die allererste Vorstellung der weltweit ersten Luxus-Hygiene-Dessous markierte. Wir waren begeistert, Teil einer Veranstaltung zu sein, die die Welt des Luxus an einem Ort versammelte, mit führenden Luxuskonzernen, Start-ups und Universitäten gleichermaßen. Câlin Doré wurde den Spezialisten für Luxusinnovationen und der Presse vorgestellt. Wir sind dem gesamten Team des Luxury Innovation Summit sehr dankbar für diese schöne Gelegenheit. Ein besonderer Dank geht an Herrn Robert Casagrande von der Luxury Ventures Group und dem Hauptsponsor der Veranstaltung.

      Luxury Innovation Summit 2023

      Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss at the Luxury Innovation Summit in Geneva in 2023. The world first luxury hygiene lingerie with a natural and imperceptible protecting inlay for every day. Menstruation, incontinence, daily discharge for all women. Protected by nature.
      Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss at the Luxury Innovation Summit in Geneva in 2023. The world first luxury hygiene lingerie with a natural and imperceptible protecting inlay for every day. Menstruation, incontinence, daily discharge for all women. Protected by nature.
      Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss - luxury hygiene lingerie for daily hygiene. The first lingerie to truly respect the nature of women and the planet. Luxury comfort for every day, including during your period or when incontinent. Protection for all women who want to feel safe and beautiful every day without compromise.
      Câlin Doré by Lingerie Swiss at the Luxury Innovation Summit in Geneva in 2023. The world first luxury hygiene lingerie with a natural and imperceptible protecting inlay for every day. Menstruation, incontinence, daily discharge for all women. Protected by nature.